Bike, health, Trike

The Bike Lane

So many cities are reworking their transit system and including more bike lanes in the plans. Bike advocates are out promoting their cause. I commend them. Something needs to be done.

Narrow bike lanes in the gutter with dead animals and broken glass is not acceptable. Nor is having the bike lane directly against a parked car. The cyclist doesn’t stand a chance when the driver opens the car door while a bike is zipping by. For the cyclist it’s like hitting a brick wall at 20mph while in traffic.

Many say bike lanes need to be wider with a painted buffer area. Paint won’t stop a 2 ton vehicle. Others say barriers are the only way.

While many shop keepers say “NO all this takes away parking and we’ll lose business.”

So what’s the fix? Well maybe we need to rethink the entire plan. Bike lanes are exclusively for bikes and cyclist . That’s what most people think. But they really are for all wheeled bikes, trikes, wheelchair and more.

Why don’t we call them Accessibility Lanes? No more trying to get that motorized wheelchair around the trash bin or bus stop benches.

By just making the name Accessibility Lanes the advocacy groups grow in size to support the projects. We now include everyone.

Foot traffic on the sidewalk. Wheeled traffic in the separated by a barrier Accessibility Lane and cars in the street.

Granted this won’t work on all streets, but it a start. A safe for people start.

Think and ask for Accessibility Lanes

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